Interview with two denizens of the shivering isles
Interview with two denizens of the shivering isles

interview with two denizens of the shivering isles

Another one is the disappearance of all eligible Septims in Oblivion. What ever was done after the fact is dressing that choice up for the stage. Its absence can only be explained in terms of a (poor) game design choice. It is not possible to reconcile mention of Cyrodiils rainforest with its absence in Oblivion. Just to take a very obvious and hopefully non-contentious example, the disappearance of Cyrodiils rainforest. The lore is based on fiction and much better explained in those terms. What sets me apart now from who I was back then are two realisations. Its a crutch, a denial of reality, a fantasy for a fantasy world. I tried the real Historian thing and it doesn't work. Isn't that what we have been doing anyway? I was 15 years old back in 2002 when I played Morrowind and started posting on the lore forum of a game set in a fictional universe. If we dismiss all lore, all precedent, all truth, we are left with NOTHING and all discussion of our findings, our philosophies becomes reduced to the petulant squabbles of ignorant children, blindly and stubbornly insisting to one another that 'what I say is true', regardless of the foundation or lack thereof supporting any one's perspective!īibliophael wrote:That may be, but we do not examine the world of Aurbis as enlightened philosophers but as historians sifting through the records of lost ages. That may be, but we do not examine the world of Aurbis as enlightened philosophers but as historians sifting through the records of lost ages. This thing has been burned into the lore for ages. Now if they don't want to include something or can't stand to exclude something, that is fine but it also ends the conversation.īut that is not what I was trying to say: The Dreamer, the one that dreams the Aurbis, knows nothing and perceives nothing and from that nothing came everything. Assuming they are consistent it all comes down to the selected axioms. I can't invalidate the experience or thoughts of someone else. This processes is foundation of all logical reasoning. Rather then taking things for granted, you start with nothing, define your axioms, and then deduce on from there using only the results of your deductions and your axioms. Knowing that you know nothing is the start of all philosophy.

Interview with two denizens of the shivering isles